Home Film Tutti gli uomini del Presidente

Tutti gli uomini del Presidente, cast e trama del film

Tutti gli uomini del Presidente è un film del 1976 di genere Drammatico/Storico/Mistero/Thriller, diretto da Alan J. Pakula, con Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford, Martin Balsam, Jack Warden, Hal Holbrook, Meredith Baxter. Durata 138 minuti. Titolo originale: All the President's Men.
Una scena tratta dal film Tutti gli uomini del Presidente

Trama Tutti gli uomini del Presidente

Siamo in una delle sedi presidenziali del Partito Democratico americano quando cinque uomini vengono fermati dalla polizia probabilmente per aver sabotato la campagna elettorale di uno dei ministri. Uno dei colpevoli è però un agente stesso della CIA: il mistero si infittisce sempre più e solo l'aiuto di una spia ufficiale, soprannominato Gola Profonda, la verità verrà a galla.

Scheda del film

Locandina Tutti gli uomini del Presidente
Regia: Alan J. Pakula
US  1976
Drammatico / Storico / Mistero / Thriller


Dustin Hoffman interpreta Carl Bernstein
Dustin Hoffman Carl Bernstein
Robert Redford interpreta Bob Woodward
Robert Redford Bob Woodward
Martin Balsam interpreta Howard Simons
Martin Balsam Howard Simons
Jack Warden interpreta Harry M. Rosenfeld
Jack Warden Harry M. Rosenfeld
Hal Holbrook interpreta Deep Throat
Hal Holbrook Deep Throat
Meredith Baxter interpreta Debbie Sloan
Meredith Baxter Debbie Sloan
Jane Alexander interpreta Bookkeeper
Jane Alexander Bookkeeper
Jason Robards interpreta Ben Bradlee
Jason Robards Ben Bradlee
Jane Alexander interpreta Judy Hoback
Jane Alexander Judy Hoback
Ned Beatty interpreta Martin Dardis
Ned Beatty Martin Dardis
Stephen Collins interpreta Hugh W. Sloan, Jr.
Stephen Collins Hugh W. Sloan, Jr.
Penny Fuller interpreta Sally Aiken
Penny Fuller Sally Aiken
Penny Peyser interpreta Sharon Lyons
Penny Peyser Sharon Lyons
Lindsay Crouse interpreta Kay Eddy
Lindsay Crouse Kay Eddy
F. Murray Abraham interpreta Arresting Officer #1
F. Murray Abraham Arresting Officer #1
Anthony Mannino interpreta Arresting Officer #2
Anthony Mannino Arresting Officer #2
David Arkin interpreta Eugene Bachinski
David Arkin Eugene Bachinski
Richard Herd interpreta James W. McCord, Jr.
Richard Herd James W. McCord, Jr.
Dominic Chianese interpreta Eugenio R. Martinez
Dominic Chianese Eugenio R. Martinez
Robert Walden interpreta Donald H. Segretti
Robert Walden Donald H. Segretti
Ron Hale interpreta Frank Sturgis
Ron Hale Frank Sturgis
Nicolas Coster interpreta Markham
Nicolas Coster Markham
John McMartin interpreta Scott
John McMartin Scott
Frank Latimore interpreta Judge
Frank Latimore Judge
Neva Patterson interpreta CRP Woman
Neva Patterson CRP Woman
Nate Esformes interpreta Virgilio R. Gonzales
Nate Esformes Virgilio R. Gonzales
Joshua Shelley interpreta Al Lewis
Joshua Shelley Al Lewis
Gene Lindsey interpreta Alfred D. Baldwin
Gene Lindsey Alfred D. Baldwin
Polly Holliday interpreta Dardis' secretary
Polly Holliday Dardis' secretary
James Karen interpreta Hugh Sloan's attorney
James Karen Hugh Sloan's attorney
Basil Hoffman interpreta Assistant Metro Editor
Basil Hoffman Assistant Metro Editor
Stanley Bennett Clay interpreta Assistant Metro Editor
Stanley Bennett Clay Assistant Metro Editor
Paul Lambert interpreta National Editor
Paul Lambert National Editor
Richard Venture interpreta Assistant Metro Editor
Richard Venture Assistant Metro Editor
John Furlong interpreta News Desk Editor
John Furlong News Desk Editor
Valerie Curtin interpreta Miss Milland
Valerie Curtin Miss Milland
Jess Osuna interpreta Joe
Jess Osuna Joe
Allyn Ann McLerie interpreta Carolyn Abbott
Allyn Ann McLerie Carolyn Abbott
George Pentecost interpreta George
George Pentecost George
Christopher Murray interpreta Photo Aide
Christopher Murray Photo Aide
Frank Wills interpreta Himself
Frank Wills Himself
Bryan Clark interpreta Arguing Attorney
Bryan Clark Arguing Attorney
Gene Dynarski interpreta Court Clerk
Gene Dynarski Court Clerk
Sloane Shelton interpreta Bookkeeper's Sister
Sloane Shelton Bookkeeper's Sister
Lelan Smith interpreta Arresting Officer #3
Lelan Smith Arresting Officer #3
James Murtaugh interpreta Congress Library Clerk
James Murtaugh Congress Library Clerk
Jaye Stewart interpreta Male Librarian
Jaye Stewart Male Librarian
Sid Ganis interpreta L.A. Stringer
Sid Ganis L.A. Stringer
John O'Leary interpreta Attorney #1
John O'Leary Attorney #1
Ralph Williams interpreta Ray Steuben
Ralph Williams Ray Steuben
George Wyner interpreta Attorney #2
George Wyner Attorney #2
Leroy Aarons interpreta Financial Editor
Leroy Aarons Financial Editor
Jamie Smith-Jackson interpreta Post Librarian
Jamie Smith-Jackson Post Librarian
John Randolph interpreta John Mitchell (voice) (uncredited)
John Randolph John Mitchell (voice) (uncredited)
Donnlynn Bennett interpreta Reporter
Donnlynn Bennett Reporter
Henry Calvert interpreta Bernard L. Barker
Henry Calvert Bernard L. Barker
Carol Coggin interpreta News Aide
Carol Coggin News Aide
Ralph Vaughan Williams interpreta Ray Steuben
Ralph Vaughan Williams Ray Steuben
Carol Trost interpreta Ben Bradlee's secretary
Carol Trost Ben Bradlee's secretary
Laurence Covington interpreta News Announcer
Laurence Covington News Announcer
John Devlin interpreta Metro Editor
John Devlin Metro Editor
Cara Duff-MacCormick interpreta Tammy Ulrich (uncredited)
Cara Duff-MacCormick Tammy Ulrich (uncredited)
Louis Quinn interpreta Salesman
Louis Quinn Salesman
Amy Grossman interpreta Reporter
Amy Grossman Reporter
Spiro Agnew interpreta Self (archive footage)
Spiro Agnew Self (archive footage)
Cynthia Herbst interpreta Reporter
Cynthia Herbst Reporter
Gerald Ford interpreta Self (archive footage)
Gerald Ford Self (archive footage)
Pat Nixon interpreta Self (archive footage)
Pat Nixon Self (archive footage)
Mark Holtzman interpreta Reporter
Mark Holtzman Reporter
Richard Nixon interpreta Self (archive footage)
Richard Nixon Self (archive footage)
Wendell Wright interpreta Assistant Metro Editor
Wendell Wright Assistant Metro Editor
Barbara Lipsky interpreta Reporter
Barbara Lipsky Reporter
Doug Llewelyn interpreta White House Aide
Doug Llewelyn White House Aide
Jeff MacKay interpreta Reporter
Jeff MacKay Reporter
Irwin Marcus interpreta Reporter
Irwin Marcus Reporter
Greg Martin interpreta Reporter
Greg Martin Reporter
Ron Menchine interpreta Post Librarian
Ron Menchine Post Librarian
Jess Nadelman interpreta Assistant Metro Editor
Jess Nadelman Assistant Metro Editor
Noreen Nielson interpreta Reporter
Noreen Nielson Reporter
Florence Pepper interpreta Message Desk Receptionist
Florence Pepper Message Desk Receptionist
Barbara Perlman interpreta CRP Receptionist
Barbara Perlman CRP Receptionist
Peter Salim interpreta Reporter
Peter Salim Reporter
Shawn Shea interpreta News Aide
Shawn Shea News Aide
Marvin Smith interpreta Reporter
Marvin Smith Reporter
Pam Trager interpreta Reporter
Pam Trager Reporter
Bill Willens interpreta Hippie
Bill Willens Hippie
Al Beaudine interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Al Beaudine Reporter (uncredited)
Gary Bohn interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Gary Bohn Reporter (uncredited)
Stephen Burnette interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Stephen Burnette Reporter (uncredited)
Marcello Clay interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Marcello Clay Reporter (uncredited)
Edward Coch Jr. interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Edward Coch Jr. Reporter (uncredited)
Len Felber interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Len Felber Reporter (uncredited)
Mel Gold interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Mel Gold Reporter (uncredited)
Bart Greene interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Bart Greene Reporter (uncredited)
Francine Henderson interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Francine Henderson Reporter (uncredited)
Eugene Jackson interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Eugene Jackson Reporter (uncredited)
Pauline Lum interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Pauline Lum Reporter (uncredited)
Robert S. Mills interpreta TV Reporter (uncredited)
Robert S. Mills TV Reporter (uncredited)
Ray Pourchot interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Ray Pourchot Reporter (uncredited)
Bill Scully interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Bill Scully Reporter (uncredited)
Nico Stevens interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Nico Stevens Reporter (uncredited)
Bob Templeton interpreta Reporter (uncredited)
Bob Templeton Reporter (uncredited)
Lance Vantile Whitfield interpreta Child in Courtroom (uncredited)
Lance Vantile Whitfield Child in Courtroom (uncredited)
Walter Cronkite interpreta Self (archive sound) (uncredited)
Walter Cronkite Self (archive sound) (uncredited)
Thomas Eagleton interpreta Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Thomas Eagleton Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Richard Kleindienst interpreta Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Richard Kleindienst Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Ronald Ziegler interpreta Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Ronald Ziegler Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
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