Home Film The Elephant Man

The Elephant Man, cast e trama del film

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The Elephant Man è un film del 1980 di genere Drammatico/Storico, diretto da David Lynch, con Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt, Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud, Wendy Hiller, Freddie Jones. Durata 124 minuti.
Una scena tratta dal film The Elephant Man

Trama The Elephant Man

Londra, seconda metà del diciannovesimo secolo. Joseph Merrick è un giovane nato con un'orribile deformità che viene costretto a esibirsi in uno show di fenomeni da baraccone gestito dal crudele Bytes. Soprannominato Uomo Elefante per via del suo aspetto, dovuto alla Sindrome di Proteo, Merrick attira l'attenzione del dottor Frederick Treves, che lo conduce con sé per mostrarlo alle congregazione medica. Merrick dimostra di essere un individuo colto e sensibile e la sua vicenda arriva fino alle orecchie dei sovrani, con la regina Vittoria che istituisce un fondo per pagargli le cure.

Scheda del film

Locandina The Elephant Man
Regia: David Lynch
GB, US  1980
Drammatico / Storico


Anthony Hopkins interpreta Dr. Frederick Treves
Anthony Hopkins Dr. Frederick Treves
John Hurt interpreta John Merrick
John Hurt John Merrick
Anne Bancroft interpreta Mrs. Kendal
Anne Bancroft Mrs. Kendal
John Gielgud interpreta Carr Gomm
John Gielgud Carr Gomm
Wendy Hiller interpreta Mothershead
Wendy Hiller Mothershead
Freddie Jones interpreta Bytes
Freddie Jones Bytes
Michael Elphick interpreta Night Porter
Michael Elphick Night Porter
Hannah Gordon interpreta Mrs. Anne Treves
Hannah Gordon Mrs. Anne Treves
Helen Ryan interpreta Princess Alex
Helen Ryan Princess Alex
John Standing interpreta Dr. Fox
John Standing Dr. Fox
Dexter Fletcher interpreta Bytes' Boy
Dexter Fletcher Bytes' Boy
Lesley Dunlop interpreta Nora
Lesley Dunlop Nora
Phoebe Nicholls interpreta Merrick's Mother
Phoebe Nicholls Merrick's Mother
Pat Gorman interpreta Fairground Bobby
Pat Gorman Fairground Bobby
Kenny Baker interpreta Plumed Dwarf
Kenny Baker Plumed Dwarf
Claire Davenport interpreta Fat lady
Claire Davenport Fat lady
Orla Pederson interpreta Skeleton Man
Orla Pederson Skeleton Man
Patsy Smart interpreta Distraught Woman
Patsy Smart Distraught Woman
Kathleen Byron interpreta Lady Waddington
Kathleen Byron Lady Waddington
William Morgan Sheppard interpreta Man In Pub
William Morgan Sheppard Man In Pub
Frederick Treves interpreta Alderman
Frederick Treves Alderman
Richard Hunter interpreta Hodges
Richard Hunter Hodges
Robert Lewis Bush interpreta Messenger
Robert Lewis Bush Messenger
Roy Evans interpreta Cabman
Roy Evans Cabman
Joan Rhodes interpreta Cook
Joan Rhodes Cook
Nula Conwell interpreta Nurse Kathleen
Nula Conwell Nurse Kathleen
Tony London interpreta Young Porter
Tony London Young Porter
Alfie Curtis interpreta Milkman
Alfie Curtis Milkman
Bernadette Milnes interpreta 1st Fighting Woman
Bernadette Milnes 1st Fighting Woman
Carol Harrison interpreta Tart
Carol Harrison Tart
Hugh Manning interpreta Broadneck
Hugh Manning Broadneck
Dennis Burgess interpreta 1st Committee Man
Dennis Burgess 1st Committee Man
Fanny Carby interpreta Mrs. Kendal's Dresser
Fanny Carby Mrs. Kendal's Dresser
Gerald Case interpreta Lord Waddington
Gerald Case Lord Waddington
David Ryall interpreta Man With Whores
David Ryall Man With Whores
Deirdre Costello interpreta 1st Whore
Deirdre Costello 1st Whore
Pauline Quirke interpreta 2nd Whore
Pauline Quirke 2nd Whore
Marcus Powell interpreta Midget
Marcus Powell Midget
Lesley Scoble interpreta Siamese Twin
Lesley Scoble Siamese Twin
Eiji Kusuhara interpreta Japanese Bleeder
Eiji Kusuhara Japanese Bleeder
Patricia Hodge interpreta Screaming Mum
Patricia Hodge Screaming Mum
Tommy Wright interpreta First Bobby
Tommy Wright First Bobby
Peter Davidson interpreta Second Bobby
Peter Davidson Second Bobby
John Rapley interpreta King In Panto
John Rapley King In Panto
Janie Kells interpreta Horse
Janie Kells Horse
Lydia Lisle interpreta Merrick's Mother
Lydia Lisle Merrick's Mother
Eric Bergren interpreta Lyra Box Player #1 (uncredited)
Eric Bergren Lyra Box Player #1 (uncredited)
Christopher De Vore interpreta Lyra Box Player #2 (uncredited)
Christopher De Vore Lyra Box Player #2 (uncredited)
Harry Fielder interpreta Policeman (uncredited)
Harry Fielder Policeman (uncredited)
David Lynch interpreta Man in the Bowler Hat in the Mob Chasing Merrick
David Lynch Man in the Bowler Hat in the Mob Chasing Merrick
Ralph Morse interpreta Young aristocrat (uncredited)
Ralph Morse Young aristocrat (uncredited)
Fred Wood interpreta Injured Man (uncredited)
Fred Wood Injured Man (uncredited)
Stromboli interpreta Fire Eater
Stromboli Fire Eater
James Cormack interpreta Pierce
James Cormack Pierce
Brenda Kempner interpreta 2nd Fighting Woman
Brenda Kempner 2nd Fighting Woman
Chris Greener interpreta Giant
Chris Greener Giant
Gilda Cohen interpreta Midget
Gilda Cohen Midget
Teri Scoble interpreta Siamese Twin
Teri Scoble Siamese Twin
Robert Day interpreta Little Jim
Robert Day Little Jim
Hugh Spight interpreta Puss In Panto
Hugh Spight Puss In Panto
Teresa Codling interpreta Princess In Panto
Teresa Codling Princess In Panto
Marion Betzold interpreta Principal Boy
Marion Betzold Principal Boy
Caroline Haigh interpreta Tree
Caroline Haigh Tree
Florenzio Morgado interpreta Tree
Florenzio Morgado Tree
Victor Kravchenko interpreta Lion / Coachman
Victor Kravchenko Lion / Coachman
Beryl Hicks interpreta Fairy
Beryl Hicks Fairy
Michele Amas interpreta Horse
Michele Amas Horse
Lucie Alford interpreta Horse
Lucie Alford Horse
Penny Wright interpreta Horse
Penny Wright Horse
Jack Armstrong interpreta Man at Lecture (uncredited)
Jack Armstrong Man at Lecture (uncredited)
Adam Caine interpreta Kid at Train Station (uncredited)
Adam Caine Kid at Train Station (uncredited)
Tony Clarkin interpreta Thug from Pub (uncredited)
Tony Clarkin Thug from Pub (uncredited)
Dave Cooper interpreta Man in crowd (uncredited)
Dave Cooper Man in crowd (uncredited)
Chick Fowles interpreta Man in Pub (uncredited)
Chick Fowles Man in Pub (uncredited)
Norman Gay interpreta Doctor (uncredited)
Norman Gay Doctor (uncredited)
Juba Kennerley interpreta Committee Member (uncredited)
Juba Kennerley Committee Member (uncredited)
Jay McGrath interpreta Man at Lecture (uncredited)
Jay McGrath Man at Lecture (uncredited)
Henry Roberts interpreta Man at Lecture (uncredited)
Henry Roberts Man at Lecture (uncredited)
Kevin Schumm interpreta Kid at Train Station #2 (uncredited)
Kevin Schumm Kid at Train Station #2 (uncredited)
Ian Selby interpreta Courtier (uncredited)
Ian Selby Courtier (uncredited)
Guy Standeven interpreta Committee Member (uncredited)
Guy Standeven Committee Member (uncredited)
Reg Thomason interpreta Lecture Assistant (uncredited)
Reg Thomason Lecture Assistant (uncredited)
altri attori

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Trailer del film The Elephant Man

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