Home Film Ombre rosse

Ombre rosse, cast e trama del film

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Ombre rosse è un film del 1939 di genere Western/Avventura/Azione, diretto da John Ford, con Claire Trevor, John Wayne, Andy Devine, John Carradine, Thomas Mitchell, Louise Platt. Durata 96 minuti. Titolo originale: Stagecoach.
Una scena tratta dal film Ombre rosse

Trama Ombre rosse

Su una diligenza partita da Tonto e diretta a Lordsburg viaggia un gruppo di variegata umanità. A bordo vi sono infatti un medico alcolizzato, una prostituta, un truffatore, un baro, una donna incinta e uno sceriffo. Nel tragitto si aggiunge anche il pistolero Ringo, ricercato dall'uomo di legge, la cui presenza si rivelerà fondamentale quando la comitiva sarà vittima di un'imboscata da parte degli indiani.

Scheda del film

Locandina Ombre rosse
Regia: John Ford
US  1939
Western / Avventura / Azione


Claire Trevor interpreta Dallas
Claire Trevor Dallas
John Wayne interpreta The Ringo Kid
John Wayne The Ringo Kid
Andy Devine interpreta Buck
Andy Devine Buck
John Carradine interpreta Hatfield
John Carradine Hatfield
Thomas Mitchell interpreta Doc Josiah Boone
Thomas Mitchell Doc Josiah Boone
Louise Platt interpreta Lucy Mallory
Louise Platt Lucy Mallory
George Bancroft interpreta Marshal Curly Wilcox
George Bancroft Marshal Curly Wilcox
Donald Meek interpreta Samuel Peacock
Donald Meek Samuel Peacock
Berton Churchill interpreta Ellsworth H. Gatewood
Berton Churchill Ellsworth H. Gatewood
Tim Holt interpreta Lt. Blanchard
Tim Holt Lt. Blanchard
Tom Tyler interpreta Luke Plummer
Tom Tyler Luke Plummer
Chief John Big Tree interpreta Indian Scout (uncredited)
Chief John Big Tree Indian Scout (uncredited)
Yakima Canutt interpreta Cavalry Scout (uncredited)
Yakima Canutt Cavalry Scout (uncredited)
Francis Ford interpreta Billy Pickett (uncredited)
Francis Ford Billy Pickett (uncredited)
William Hopper interpreta Sergeant (uncredited)
William Hopper Sergeant (uncredited)
Chris-Pin Martin interpreta Chris (uncredited)
Chris-Pin Martin Chris (uncredited)
Paul McVey interpreta Pony Express Agent (uncredited)
Paul McVey Pony Express Agent (uncredited)
Jack Pennick interpreta Bartender in Tonto (uncredited)
Jack Pennick Bartender in Tonto (uncredited)
Harry Tenbrook interpreta Telegraph Operator (uncredited)
Harry Tenbrook Telegraph Operator (uncredited)
Whitehorse interpreta Indian Chief (uncredited)
Whitehorse Indian Chief (uncredited)
Hank Worden interpreta Cavalryman Extra (uncredited)
Hank Worden Cavalryman Extra (uncredited)
Dorothy Appleby interpreta Girl in Saloon (uncredited)
Dorothy Appleby Girl in Saloon (uncredited)
Ted Billings interpreta Bit Part (uncredited)
Ted Billings Bit Part (uncredited)
Wiggie Blowne interpreta Bit Part (uncredited)
Wiggie Blowne Bit Part (uncredited)
Danny Borzage interpreta (uncredited)
Danny Borzage (uncredited)
Ed Brady interpreta Lordsburg Saloon Owner (uncredited)
Ed Brady Lordsburg Saloon Owner (uncredited)
Fritzi Brunette interpreta Bit Part (uncredited)
Fritzi Brunette Bit Part (uncredited)
Nora Cecil interpreta Boone's Landlady (uncredited)
Nora Cecil Boone's Landlady (uncredited)
Steve Clemente interpreta Bit (uncredited)
Steve Clemente Bit (uncredited)
Bill Cody interpreta Rancher (uncredited)
Bill Cody Rancher (uncredited)
Jack Curtis interpreta Bartender (uncredited)
Jack Curtis Bartender (uncredited)
Marga Ann Deighton interpreta Mrs. Pickett (uncredited)
Marga Ann Deighton Mrs. Pickett (uncredited)
Patricia Doyle interpreta Bit Part (uncredited)
Patricia Doyle Bit Part (uncredited)
Tex Driscoll interpreta Bit Part (uncredited)
Tex Driscoll Bit Part (uncredited)
Johnny Eckert interpreta Small Role (uncredited)
Johnny Eckert Small Role (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum interpreta Deputy Frank (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum Deputy Frank (uncredited)
Brenda Fowler interpreta Mrs. Gatewood (uncredited)
Brenda Fowler Mrs. Gatewood (uncredited)
Helen Gibson interpreta Girl in Saloon (uncredited)
Helen Gibson Girl in Saloon (uncredited)
Robert Homans interpreta Ed the Editor (uncredited)
Robert Homans Ed the Editor (uncredited)
Si Jenks interpreta Bartender (uncredited)
Si Jenks Bartender (uncredited)
Cornelius Keefe interpreta Capt. Whitney (uncredited)
Cornelius Keefe Capt. Whitney (uncredited)
Florence Lake interpreta Nancy Whitney (uncredited)
Florence Lake Nancy Whitney (uncredited)
Al Lee interpreta Small Role (uncredited)
Al Lee Small Role (uncredited)
Duke R. Lee interpreta Lordsburg Sheriff (uncredited)
Duke R. Lee Lordsburg Sheriff (uncredited)
Theodore Lorch interpreta Lordsburg Express Agent (uncredited)
Theodore Lorch Lordsburg Express Agent (uncredited)
Jim Mason interpreta Tonto Express Agent Jim (uncredited)
Jim Mason Tonto Express Agent Jim (uncredited)
Louis Mason interpreta Tonto Sheriff (uncredited)
Louis Mason Tonto Sheriff (uncredited)
Merrill McCormick interpreta Ogler (uncredited)
Merrill McCormick Ogler (uncredited)
J.P. McGowan interpreta (uncredited)
J.P. McGowan (uncredited)
Walter McGrail interpreta Capt. Sickel (uncredited)
Walter McGrail Capt. Sickel (uncredited)
Jack Mohr interpreta Small Role (uncredited)
Jack Mohr Small Role (uncredited)
Kent Odell interpreta Billy Pickett Jr. (uncredited)
Kent Odell Billy Pickett Jr. (uncredited)
Artie Ortego interpreta Lordsburg Bar Patron (uncredited)
Artie Ortego Lordsburg Bar Patron (uncredited)
Vester Pegg interpreta Hank Plummer (uncredited)
Vester Pegg Hank Plummer (uncredited)
Chris Phillips interpreta Small Role (uncredited)
Chris Phillips Small Role (uncredited)
Joe Rickson interpreta Ike Plummer (uncredited)
Joe Rickson Ike Plummer (uncredited)
Buddy Roosevelt interpreta Rancher (uncredited)
Buddy Roosevelt Rancher (uncredited)
Mickey Simpson interpreta (uncredited)
Mickey Simpson (uncredited)
Chuck Stubbs interpreta (uncredited)
Chuck Stubbs (uncredited)
Leonard Trainor interpreta Townsman (uncredited)
Leonard Trainor Townsman (uncredited)
Mary Kathleen Walker interpreta Lucy's Infant (uncredited)
Mary Kathleen Walker Lucy's Infant (uncredited)
Bryant Washburn interpreta Capt. Simmons (uncredited)
Bryant Washburn Capt. Simmons (uncredited)
Elvira Ríos interpreta Yakima (uncredited)
Elvira Ríos Yakima (uncredited)
altri attori

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Trailer del film Ombre rosse

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