Home Film Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga

Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga, cast e trama del film

Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga è un film del 2009 di genere Avventura/Fantastico/Azione/Commedia/Famiglia, diretto da Shawn Levy, con Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria, Robin Williams, Christopher Guest. Durata 105 minuti. Titolo originale: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian.
Una scena tratta dal film Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga

Trama Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga

Larry è ora il gestore di uno dei musei più famosi al mondo e sarà proprio nel suo posto del cuore che dovrà affrontare una missione molto impegnativa: egli dovrà salvare due sue amici dal risveglio delle creature che fino ad ora hanno popolato il museo inanimatamente.

Scheda del film

Locandina Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga
Regia: Shawn Levy
US, CA  2009
Avventura / Fantastico / Azione / Commedia / Famiglia


Ben Stiller interpreta Larry Daley
Ben Stiller Larry Daley
Amy Adams interpreta Amelia Earhart
Amy Adams Amelia Earhart
Owen Wilson interpreta Jedediah Smith
Owen Wilson Jedediah Smith
Hank Azaria interpreta Kahmunrah / The Thinker / Abe Lincoln
Hank Azaria Kahmunrah / The Thinker / Abe Lincoln
Robin Williams interpreta Theodore Roosevelt
Robin Williams Theodore Roosevelt
Christopher Guest interpreta Ivan the Terrible
Christopher Guest Ivan the Terrible
Alain Chabat interpreta Napoleon Bonaparte
Alain Chabat Napoleon Bonaparte
Steve Coogan interpreta Octavius
Steve Coogan Octavius
Ricky Gervais interpreta Dr. McPhee
Ricky Gervais Dr. McPhee
Bill Hader interpreta General George Armstrong Custer
Bill Hader General George Armstrong Custer
Jon Bernthal interpreta Al Capone
Jon Bernthal Al Capone
Patrick Gallagher interpreta Attila the Hun
Patrick Gallagher Attila the Hun
Jake Cherry interpreta Nicky Daley
Jake Cherry Nicky Daley
Rami Malek interpreta Ahkmenrah
Rami Malek Ahkmenrah
Mizuo Peck interpreta Sacajawea
Mizuo Peck Sacajawea
Kerry van der Griend interpreta Neanderthal #1
Kerry van der Griend Neanderthal #1
Matthew Harrison interpreta Neanderthal #2
Matthew Harrison Neanderthal #2
Rick Dobran interpreta Neanderthal #3
Rick Dobran Neanderthal #3
Randy Lee interpreta Hun #1
Randy Lee Hun #1
Darryl Quon interpreta Hun #2
Darryl Quon Hun #2
Gerald Wong interpreta Hun #3
Gerald Wong Hun #3
Paul Chih-Ping Cheng interpreta Hun #4
Paul Chih-Ping Cheng Hun #4
Jay Baruchel interpreta Joey Motorola
Jay Baruchel Joey Motorola
Mindy Kaling interpreta Docent
Mindy Kaling Docent
Keith Powell interpreta Tuskegee Airman #1
Keith Powell Tuskegee Airman #1
Craig Robinson interpreta Tuskegee Airman #2
Craig Robinson Tuskegee Airman #2
Samuel Patrick Chu interpreta Teenage Boy #1
Samuel Patrick Chu Teenage Boy #1
Augustus Oicle interpreta Teenage Boy #2
Augustus Oicle Teenage Boy #2
Kai James interpreta Teenage Boy #3
Kai James Teenage Boy #3
Clint Howard interpreta Air and Space Mission Control Tech #1
Clint Howard Air and Space Mission Control Tech #1
Matty Finochio interpreta Air and Space Mission Control Tech #2
Matty Finochio Air and Space Mission Control Tech #2
George Foreman interpreta Himself
George Foreman Himself
Josh Byer interpreta Capone Gangster #1
Josh Byer Capone Gangster #1
Sophie Levy interpreta Young Girl #1
Sophie Levy Young Girl #1
Tess Levy interpreta Young Girl #2
Tess Levy Young Girl #2
Christina Schild interpreta'American Gothic' Woman
Christina Schild 'American Gothic' Woman
Robert Thurston interpreta'American Gothic' Farmer
Robert Thurston 'American Gothic' Farmer
Alberta Mayne interpreta Kissing Nurse
Alberta Mayne Kissing Nurse
Clifton MaCabe Murray interpreta Kissing Sailor
Clifton MaCabe Murray Kissing Sailor
Caroll Spinney interpreta Oscar the Grouch (voice)
Caroll Spinney Oscar the Grouch (voice)
Thomas Morley interpreta Darth Vader
Thomas Morley Darth Vader
Dan Joffre interpreta Town Car Driver
Dan Joffre Town Car Driver
Dave Hospes interpreta Astronaut
Dave Hospes Astronaut
Regina Taufen interpreta New York Reporter
Regina Taufen New York Reporter
Shawn Levy interpreta Infomercial Father
Shawn Levy Infomercial Father
Joe Jonas interpreta Cherub #1 (voice)
Joe Jonas Cherub #1 (voice)
Kevin Jonas interpreta Cherub #2 (voice)
Kevin Jonas Cherub #2 (voice)
Nick Jonas interpreta Cherub #3 (voice)
Nick Jonas Cherub #3 (voice)
Eugene Levy interpreta Albert Einstein Bobbleheads (voice)
Eugene Levy Albert Einstein Bobbleheads (voice)
Brad Garrett interpreta Easter Island Head (voice)
Brad Garrett Easter Island Head (voice)
Ed Helms interpreta Larry Daley's Assistant (uncredited)
Ed Helms Larry Daley's Assistant (uncredited)
Jonah Hill interpreta Brundon (uncredited)
Jonah Hill Brundon (uncredited)
Ben Garant interpreta Orville Wright (uncredited)
Ben Garant Orville Wright (uncredited)
Thomas Lennon interpreta Wilbur Wright (uncredited)
Thomas Lennon Wilbur Wright (uncredited)
Dan Savoie interpreta NY Museum Patron (uncredited)
Dan Savoie NY Museum Patron (uncredited)
Frankie Jonas interpreta Extra - Child in Museum (uncredited)
Frankie Jonas Extra - Child in Museum (uncredited)
Don Abernathy interpreta Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Don Abernathy Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Dennis Albanese interpreta Foreman (uncredited)
Dennis Albanese Foreman (uncredited)
Tipper Burton interpreta Museum Visitor (uncredited)
Tipper Burton Museum Visitor (uncredited)
Hélène Cardona interpreta Reporter (voice) (uncredited)
Hélène Cardona Reporter (voice) (uncredited)
Lauren Emily Jacobs interpreta School Girl (uncredited)
Lauren Emily Jacobs School Girl (uncredited)
Waléra Kanischtscheff interpreta Ivan the Terrible (voice) (uncredited)
Waléra Kanischtscheff Ivan the Terrible (voice) (uncredited)
Tom MacNeill interpreta US Marine (uncredited)
Tom MacNeill US Marine (uncredited)
Dan Martino interpreta U.S. Solider (uncredited)
Dan Martino U.S. Solider (uncredited)
Douglas Nelson interpreta Streltsy (uncredited)
Douglas Nelson Streltsy (uncredited)
Kennith Overbey interpreta Tuskegee Airman (uncredited)
Kennith Overbey Tuskegee Airman (uncredited)
Robert Underwood interpreta Air and Space Mission Control Tech (uncredited)
Robert Underwood Air and Space Mission Control Tech (uncredited)
Crystal the Monkey interpreta Dexter/Able (uncredited)
Crystal the Monkey Dexter/Able (uncredited)
altri attori

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Trailer del film Una notte al museo 2 - La fuga

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