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Virus letale è un film del 1995 di genere Azione/Drammatico/Fantascienza/Thriller, diretto da Wolfgang Petersen, con Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Cuba Gooding Jr., Donald Sutherland. Durata 127 minuti. Titolo originale: Outbreak.
Una scena tratta dal film Virus letale

Trama Virus letale

L'intera Africa sta cadendo in ginocchio a causa di un virus letale a cui non vi è alcuna cura. Nella situazione di forte emergenza, interviene il dottor Sam Daniels, medico militare americano che, insieme alla sua troupe, tenterà di decimare le vittime. Qualcuno però è intenzionato a mettergli i bastoni tra le ruote, ragion per cui si ritroverà solo, abbandonato a se stesso e con una situazione grave da risolvere.

Scheda del film

Locandina Virus letale
Regia: Wolfgang Petersen
US  1995
Azione / Drammatico / Fantascienza / Thriller


Dustin Hoffman interpreta Sam Daniels
Dustin Hoffman Sam Daniels
Rene Russo interpreta Robby Keough
Rene Russo Robby Keough
Morgan Freeman interpreta Billy Ford
Morgan Freeman Billy Ford
Kevin Spacey interpreta Casey Schuler
Kevin Spacey Casey Schuler
Cuba Gooding Jr. interpreta Salt
Cuba Gooding Jr. Salt
Donald Sutherland interpreta Donald McClintock
Donald Sutherland Donald McClintock
Patrick Dempsey interpreta Jimbo Scott
Patrick Dempsey Jimbo Scott
Zakes Mokae interpreta Dr. Benjamin Iwabi
Zakes Mokae Dr. Benjamin Iwabi
Malick Bowens interpreta Dr. Raswani
Malick Bowens Dr. Raswani
Susan Lee Hoffman interpreta Dr. Lisa Aronson
Susan Lee Hoffman Dr. Lisa Aronson
Benito Martinez interpreta Dr. Julio Ruiz
Benito Martinez Dr. Julio Ruiz
Bruce Jarchow interpreta Dr. Mascelli
Bruce Jarchow Dr. Mascelli
Leland Hayward III interpreta Henry Seward
Leland Hayward III Henry Seward
Daniel Chodos interpreta Rudy Alvarez
Daniel Chodos Rudy Alvarez
Dale Dye interpreta Lt. Col. Briggs
Dale Dye Lt. Col. Briggs
Kara Keough interpreta Kate Jeffries
Kara Keough Kate Jeffries
Gina Menza interpreta Mrs. Jeffries
Gina Menza Mrs. Jeffries
Per Didrik Fasmer interpreta Mr. Jeffries
Per Didrik Fasmer Mr. Jeffries
Michelle Joyner interpreta Sherry Mauldin
Michelle Joyner Sherry Mauldin
Donald Forrest interpreta Mack Mauldin
Donald Forrest Mack Mauldin
Julie Pierce interpreta Erica Mauldin
Julie Pierce Erica Mauldin
Tim Ransom interpreta Tommy Hull
Tim Ransom Tommy Hull
Michelle M. Miller interpreta Darla Hull
Michelle M. Miller Darla Hull
Maury Sterling interpreta Sandman One
Maury Sterling Sandman One
Michael Emanuel interpreta Sandman One Co-Pilot
Michael Emanuel Sandman One Co-Pilot
Lucas Dudley interpreta Viper One Pilot
Lucas Dudley Viper One Pilot
Robert Alan Joseph interpreta Viper Two Pilot
Robert Alan Joseph Viper Two Pilot
Joseph Latimore interpreta Viper Two Co-Pilot
Joseph Latimore Viper Two Co-Pilot
Michael Sottile interpreta Gunner Pilot
Michael Sottile Gunner Pilot
Ed Beechner interpreta Gunner
Ed Beechner Gunner
Matthew Saks interpreta Sergeant Wolf
Matthew Saks Sergeant Wolf
Diana Bellamy interpreta Mrs. Pananides
Diana Bellamy Mrs. Pananides
Lance Kerwin interpreta American Mercenary
Lance Kerwin American Mercenary
Brett Oliver interpreta Belgian Mercenary
Brett Oliver Belgian Mercenary
Eric Mungai Nguku interpreta African Nurse
Eric Mungai Nguku African Nurse
Larry Hine interpreta Young McClintock
Larry Hine Young McClintock
Conrad Bachmann interpreta California Governor
Conrad Bachmann California Governor
Ralph Miller interpreta Officer#1
Ralph Miller Officer#1
Nickolas H. Marshall interpreta Young Ford
Nickolas H. Marshall Young Ford
David A.R. White interpreta Army Pilot (uncredited)
David A.R. White Army Pilot (uncredited)
Douglas Hebron interpreta Ju-Ju Man
Douglas Hebron Ju-Ju Man
Jae Woo Lee interpreta Korean Captain
Jae Woo Lee Korean Captain
J. T. Walsh
J. T. Walsh
Johnny Kim interpreta Seaman Chulso Lee
Johnny Kim Seaman Chulso Lee
Bill Stevenson interpreta Biotest Guard
Bill Stevenson Biotest Guard
Kellie Overbey interpreta Alice
Kellie Overbey Alice
Dana Andersen interpreta Corinne
Dana Andersen Corinne
Patricia Place interpreta Mrs. Foote
Patricia Place Mrs. Foote
Nicholas Pappone interpreta Little Boy on Plane
Nicholas Pappone Little Boy on Plane
Traci Odom interpreta Little Boy's Mother
Traci Odom Little Boy's Mother
Herbert Jefferson Jr. interpreta Boston Doctor #1
Herbert Jefferson Jr. Boston Doctor #1
Thomas Crawford interpreta Boston Doctor #2
Thomas Crawford Boston Doctor #2
Buzz Barbee interpreta Boston Doctor #3
Buzz Barbee Boston Doctor #3
Jenna Byrne interpreta Tracy
Jenna Byrne Tracy
Brian Reddy interpreta Tracy's Father
Brian Reddy Tracy's Father
Ina Romeo interpreta Mrs. Logan
Ina Romeo Mrs. Logan
Teresa Velarde interpreta Nurse Emma
Teresa Velarde Nurse Emma
Jane Jenkins interpreta Nurse Jane
Jane Jenkins Nurse Jane
Carmela Rappazzo interpreta Hospital Receptionist
Carmela Rappazzo Hospital Receptionist
Kurt A. Boesen interpreta Mayor Gaddis
Kurt A. Boesen Mayor Gaddis
Jack Rader interpreta Police Chief Fowler
Jack Rader Police Chief Fowler
Robert Rigamonti interpreta Country Health Official
Robert Rigamonti Country Health Official
Mimi Doyka interpreta Frightened Mother
Mimi Doyka Frightened Mother
C. Jack Robinson interpreta Biotest Manager
C. Jack Robinson Biotest Manager
Robert Alan Beuth interpreta George Armistead
Robert Alan Beuth George Armistead
Gordon Michaels interpreta Man in Line
Gordon Michaels Man in Line
Peter Looney interpreta White House Counsel
Peter Looney White House Counsel
Cary J. Pitts interpreta Anchorman
Cary J. Pitts Anchorman
Cynthia Harrison interpreta Co-Anchor
Cynthia Harrison Co-Anchor
Marcus Hennessy interpreta Station Manager
Marcus Hennessy Station Manager
Albert Owens interpreta Broadcast Director
Albert Owens Broadcast Director
David Silverbrand interpreta TV Reporter
David Silverbrand TV Reporter
Julie Araskog interpreta Janet Adams
Julie Araskog Janet Adams
Frank Rositani interpreta Senator Rosales
Frank Rositani Senator Rosales
George Christy interpreta Senator
George Christy Senator
Bruce Isacson interpreta Jaffe
Bruce Isacson Jaffe
Marilyn Brandt interpreta Ford's Secretary
Marilyn Brandt Ford's Secretary
Philip Handy interpreta Sergeant Meyer
Philip Handy Sergeant Meyer
Tim Frazee interpreta MP #1
Tim Frazee MP #1
Moses Williams interpreta MP #2
Moses Williams MP #2
Roland Tsui interpreta MP #3
Roland Tsui MP #3
Keith Butler interpreta MP #4
Keith Butler MP #4
Davi Lee Phillips interpreta MP #5
Davi Lee Phillips MP #5
Mark Brown interpreta Officer #2
Mark Brown Officer #2
Jim Antonio interpreta Dr. Drew Reynolds
Jim Antonio Dr. Drew Reynolds
Ellsworth Hanna interpreta Sailor at Cocktail Party (uncredited)
Ellsworth Hanna Sailor at Cocktail Party (uncredited)
Jeanne Hanna interpreta Sailor's Wife at Cocktail Party (uncredited)
Jeanne Hanna Sailor's Wife at Cocktail Party (uncredited)
Bruce Holman interpreta Aide to White House Chief-of-Staff (uncredited)
Bruce Holman Aide to White House Chief-of-Staff (uncredited)
Jack Kyle interpreta Doctor (uncredited)
Jack Kyle Doctor (uncredited)
Bob Lazar interpreta General (uncredited)
Bob Lazar General (uncredited)
John Lizzi interpreta Newsroom Reporter (uncredited)
John Lizzi Newsroom Reporter (uncredited)
Beau Lotterman interpreta Army Major (uncredited)
Beau Lotterman Army Major (uncredited)
David Novak interpreta Diplomat (uncredited)
David Novak Diplomat (uncredited)
Ross Turner interpreta Townsperson (uncredited)
Ross Turner Townsperson (uncredited)
Robert'Bobby Z' Zajonc interpreta Army Pilot (uncredited)
Robert 'Bobby Z' Zajonc Army Pilot (uncredited)
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